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One Button Studio

One Button Studio


The One Button Studio (OBS) is a video and photo production space. With the supplied backdrops, lighting, audio, and camera equipment, the OBS has the essentials when it comes to creating high-quality videos and studio photography.


Project Ideas
The OBS is useful in any instance where video can be used to enhance viewer engagement.

Practice a presentation for class, record in front of the blue screen or film studio components of a larger video assignment.

Deliver an introduction to an online course, present a research paper, record a lecture or create a demonstration.

Things to Bring
You must provide your own hard drive storage for your video/photo files. While the HMGMC provides SD cards for use with our cameras, they are only for recording and then loading your videos/photos onto a computer. Student employees are available for assistance, but the HMGMC and its employees are not responsible for your file storage. Please remember to back up your work.

Although not required, reservations can be made by contacting the HMGMC service desk at 573.986.4978 or at Otherwise, the studio is used on a first-come, first-serve basis.