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Kent Library


For Regional Campuses & Online Learners

Access to Online Materials

As a student, you have access to all our databases and online resources. If you are off campus, you will need to log in with your SEKey and password.

Book Request and Document Delivery

Students at the regional campuses have full access to Kent Library's circulating collection and to the print periodical collection. You can request books and other physical library materials be sent to any of the regional campuses, Mineral Area College or Three Rivers College, or any member of the MOBIUS library consortium near you. Online-only students can have library books and other physical materials sent directly to their homes.

To request an article from the print periodical collection be scanned and sent to you, follow the instructions for document delivery.


Research Assistance

Kent Library provides research assistance for the regional-campuses and online courses. Research assistance is available through online chat, email, or by phone.

More information on how to get research assistance is on our Ask Us Page. You can also contact the library liason for a specific department directly.

Quick Links

Research Help for Regional Campus and Online Students

Instructor and Student