Anthropology & Geography
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JSTOR is a multidisciplinary archival database with the full-text and full page image scholarly journals from the first issue up until the last 2-7 years. A recent expansion of content brings the total number of journals to 1306.
Subject List:Project MUSE offers nearly 200 journal titles from some 30 scholarly publishers, covering the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and many others.
Subject List:This source includes over 900 scholarly full text journals covering a range of subjects including Health Sciences & Medicine. Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences & Polytechnic Studies, and Social Sciences. Recently added archive access for over 600 of the current titles, with coverage exten...
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ProQuest's Social Science Journals includes over 1,000 titles, with around 700 active full-text titles. It covers a variety of social science topics including, addiction studies, urban studies, family studies, and international relations.
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